英文原著論文 "2011" Original Papers in English


【 2011 年 】

  1. Aoki T, Fukumoto Y, Sugimura K, Oikawa M, Satoh K, Nakano M, Nakayama M, Shimokawa H. Prognostic impact of myocardial interstitial fibrosis in non-ischemic heart failure -Comparison between preserved and reduced ejection fraction heart failure- Circ J. 75:2605-2613,2011.

  2. Fukuda K, Watanabe J, Yagi T, Wakayama Y, Nakano M, Kondoh M, Kumagai K, Miura M, Shirato K, Shimokawa H. A sodium channel blocker, pilsicainide, produces atrial post-repolarization refractoriness through the reduction of sodium channel availability. Tohoku J Exp Med. 225:35-42,2011.

  3. Furuno Y, Morishita T, Toyohira Y, Yamada S, Ueno S, Morisada N, Sugita K, Noguchi K, Sakanashi M, Miyata H, Tanimoto A, Sasaguri Y, Shimokawa H, Otsuji Y, Yanagihara N, Tamura M, Tsutsui M. Crucial vasculoprotective role of the whole nitric oxide synthase system in vascular lesion formation in mice: Involvement of bone marrow-derived cells. Nitric Oxide. 25:350-359,2011.

  4. Gao JY, Yasuda S, Tsuburaya R, Ito Y, Shiroto T, Hao K, Aizawa K, Kikuchi Y, Ito K, Shimokawa H. Long-term treatment with eicosapentaenoic acid ameliorates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in pigs in vivo -Involvement of Rho-kinase pathway inhibition- Circ J. 75:1843-1851,2011.

  5. Kikuchi Y, Yasuda S, Aizawa K, Tsuburaya R, Ito Y, Takeda M, Nakayama M, Ito K, Takahashi J, Shimokawa H. Enhanced Rho-kinase activity in circulating neutrophils of patients with vasospastic angina: a possible biomarker for diagnosis and disease activity assessment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 58:1231-1237,2011.

  6. Kubota T, Kubota N, Kumagai H, Yamaguchi S, Kozono H, Takahashi T, Inoue M, Itoh S, Takamoto I, Sasako T, Kumagai K, Kawai T, Hashimoto S, Kobayashi T, Sato M, Tokuyama K, Nishimura S, Tsunoda M, Ide T, Murakami K, Yamazaki T, Ezaki O, Kawamura K, Masuda H, Moroi M, Sugi K, Oike Y, Shimokawa H, Yanagihara N, Tsutsui M, Terauchi Y, Tobe K, Nagai R, Kamata K, Inoue K, Kodama T, Ueki K, Kadowaki T. Impaired insulin signaling in endothelial cells reduces insulin-induced glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. Cell Metabolism. 13:294-307,2011.

  7. Miura M, Hirose M, Endoh H, Wakayama Y, Sugai Y, Nakano M, Fukuda K, Shindoh C, Shirato K, Shimokawa H. Acceleration of Ca2+ waves in monocrotaline-induced right ventricular hypertrophy in the rat. Circ J. 75:1343-1349,2011.

  8. Miyamichi-Yamamoto S, Fukumoto Y, Sugimura K, Ishii T, Satoh K, Miura U, Taktebe S, Nochioka K, Aoki T, Do.e Zhulanqiqige, Shimokawa H. Intensive immunosuppressive therapy improves pulmonary hemodynamics and long-term prognosis in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with connective tissue disease. Circ J. 75:2668-2674,2011.

  9. Nakayama M, Osaki S, Shimokawa H. Validation of the mortality risk stratification models for cardiovascular disease. Am J Cardiol. 108:391-396,2011.

  10. Pineda AA, Minohara M, Kawamura N, Matsushita T, Yamasaki R, Sun X, Piao H, Shimokawa H, Kira J. Preventive and therapeutic effects of the selective Rho-kinase inhibitor fasudil on experimental autoimmune neuritis. J Neurol Sci. 306:115-120,2011.

  11. Rabieyousefi M, Soroosh P, Satoh K, Date1 F, Ishii N, Yamashita M, Oka M, McMurtry IF, Shimokawa H, Nose M, Sugamura K, Ono M. Indispensable roles of OX40L-derived signal and epistatic genetic effect in immune-mediated pathogenesis of spontaneous pulmonary hypertension. BMC Immunology. 12:67-79,2011.

  12. Serizawa F, Ito K, Matsubara M, Sato A, Shimokawa H, Satomi S. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Induces Therapeutic Lymphangiogenesis in a Rat Model of Secondary Lymphoedema. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 42:254-260,2011.

  13. Shiba N, Nochioka K, Miura M, Kouno H, Shimokawa H. Trend of westernization of etiology and clinical characteristics of heart failure patients in Japan--first report from the CHART-2 study. Circ J. 75:823-833,2011.

  14. Takagi Y, Yasuda S, Tsunoda R, Ogata Y, Seki A, Sumiyoshi T, Matsui M, Goto T, Tanabe Y, Sueda S, Sato T, Ogawa S, Kubo N, Momomura S, Ogawa H, Shimokawa H. Clinical characteristics and long-term prognosis of vasospastic angina patients who survived out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. -Multicenter registry study of the Japanese Coronary Spasm Association- Circulation Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology. 4:295-302,2011.

  15. Tsuburaya R, Yasuda S, Ito Y, Shiroto T, Gao JY, Ito K, Shimokawa H. Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces ischemic ventricular fibrillation via altering monophasic action potential in pigs. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 51:329-336,2011.

  16. Wang W, Kagaya Y, Asaumi Y, Fukui S, Takeda M, Shimokawa H. Protective effects of recombinant human erythropoietin against pressure overload-induced left ventricular remodeling and premature death in mice. Tohoku J Exp Med. 225:131-143,2011.