英文原著論文 "2008" Original Papers in English


【 2008 年 】

  1. Anegawa G, Kawanaka H, Yoshida D, Konishi K, Yamaguchi S, Kinjyo N, Taketomi A, Hashizume M, Shimokawa H, Maehara Y. Defective endothelial nitric oxide synthase signaling is mediated by rho-kinase activation in rats with secondary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology. 47:966-977,2008.

  2. Ashino T, Yamanaka R, Yamamoto M, Shimokawa H, Sekikawa K, Iwakura Y, Shioda S, Numazawa S, Yoshida T. Negative feedback regulation of lipopolysaccharide-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase gene expression by heme oxygenase-1 induction in macrophages. Mol Immunol. 45:2106-2115,2008.

  3. Fukui S, Fukumoto Y, Suzuki J, Saji K, Nawata J, Tawara S, Shinozaki T, Kagaya Y, Shimokawa H. Long-term inhibition of Rho-kinase ameliorates diastolic heart failure in hypertensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 51:317-326,2008.

  4. Fukumoto Y, Yasuda S, Ito A, Shimokawa H. Prognostic effects of benidipine in patients with vasospastic angina: comparison with diltiazem and amlodipine. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 51:253-257,2008.

  5. Ichinose A, Otani H, Oikawa M, Takase K, Saito H, Shimokawa H, Takahashi S. MRI of cardiac sarcoidosis: basal and subepicardial localization of myocardial lesions and their effect on left ventricular function. Am J Roentgenol. 191:862-869,2008.

  6. Ikuta K, Mori T, Yamamoto T, Niidome T, Shimokawa H, Katayama Y. Development of polymeric drug delivery system for recognizing vascular endothelial dysfunction. Bioorganic Med Chem. 16;2811-2818,2008.

  7. Kishi T, Hirooka Y, Shimokawa H, Takeshita A, Sunagawa K. Atorvastatin reduces oxidative stress in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clin Exp Hypertens. 30:3-11,2008.

  8. Kita T, Hata Y, Arita R, Kawahara S, Miura M, Nakao S, Mochizuki Y, Enaida H, Goto Y, Shimokawa H, Ishibashi T. Role of TGF-β in proliferative vitreoretinal diseases and ROCK as a therapeutic target. Proc Nat'l Acad Sci USA. 105:17504-17509,2008.

  9. Kumagai K, Fukuda K, Wakayama Y, Sugai K, Hirose M, Yamaguchi N, Takase K, Yamauchi Y, Takahashi A, Aonuma K, Shimokawa H. Electrocardiographic characteristics of the variants of idiopathic left ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachyarrhythmias. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 19:495-501,2008.

  10. Miura M, Wakayama Y, Endoh H, Nakano M, Sugai Y, Hirose M, ter Keurs HEDJ, Shimokawa H. Spatial non-uniformity of excitation-contraction coupling can enhance arrhythmogenic delayed afterdepolarizations in rat cardiac muscle. Cardiovasc Res. 80:55-61,2008.

  11. Nakata S, Tsutsui M, Shimokawa H, Morishita T, Sabanai K, Nagasaki M, Tanimoto A, Yatera Y, Tasaki H, Nakamura T, Sasaguri Y, Nakashima Y, Otsuji Y, Yanagihara N. Spontaneous myocardial infarction in mice lacking all nitric oxide synthase isoforms. Circulation. 17:2211-2223,2008.

  12. Oi K, Fukumoto Y, Ito K, Uwatoku T, Abe K, Hizume T, Shimokawa H. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy ameliorates hind-limb ischemia in rabbits. Tohoku J Exp Med. 214:151-158,2008.

  13. Okimoto H, Ishigaki Y, Koiwa Y, Hinokio Y, Ogihara T, Suzuki S, Katagiri H, Ohkubo T, Hasegawa H, Kanai H, Oka Y. A novel method for evaluating human carotid artery elasticity: Possible detection of early stage atherosclerosis in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis. 196:391-397,2008.

  14. Onoue N, Nawata J, Tada T, Zhulanqiqige D, Wang H, Sugimura K, Fukumoto Y, Shirato K, Shimokawa H. Increased static pressure promotes migration of vascular smooth muscle cells: Involvement of the Rho-kinase pathway. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 51:55-61,2008.

  15. Sabanai K, Tsutsui M, Shimokawa H. Genetic disruption of all NO synthase isoforms enhances BMD and bone turnover in mice in vivo: involvement of the renin-angiotensin system. J Bone Mineral Res. 23:633-643,2008.

  16. Shiba N, Matsuki M, Takahashi J, Tada T, Watanabe J, Shimokawa H. Prognostic importance of chronic kidney disease in Japanese patients with chronic heart failure. Circ J. 72:173-178,2008.

  17. Shiba N, Nochioka K, Kohno H, Matsuki M, Takahashi J, Tada T, Kagaya Y, Shimokawa H. Emerging problems of heart failure practice in Japanese women: lessons from the CHART study. Circ J. 72:2009-2014,2008.

  18. Shimokawa H. Bone marrow-derived matrix metalloproteinase-14: A novel target for plaque stability. Circulation. 117:863-865,2008.

  19. Tada T, Nawata J, Wang H, Onoue N, Zhulanqiqige D, Ito K, Sugimura K, Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H. Enhanced pulsatile pressure accelerates vascular smooth muscle migration. -Implications for atherogenesis of hypertension- Cardiovasc Res. 80:346-353,2008.

  20. Tada T, Shiba N, Watanabe J, Kagaya Y, Shinozaki T, Shirato K, Shimokawa H. Prognositc value of anemia in predicting sudden death of patients with diastolic heart failure. Int'l J Cardiol. 128:419-421,2008.

  21. Takaki A, Morikawa K, Murayama Y, Tekes E, Yamagishi H, Ohashi J, Tsutsui M, Yanagihara N, Yada T, Shimokawa H. Crucial role of nitric oxide synthases system in endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in mice. J Exp Med. 205:2053-2063,2008. (プレスリリース、8月28日)

  22. Takaki A, Morikawa K, Murayama Y, Yamagishi H, Hosoya M, Ohashi J, Shimokawa H. Roles of endothelial oxidases in endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor responses in mice. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 52:510-517,2008.

  23. Takeno M, Yasuda S, Otsuka Y, Morii I, Kawamura A, Yano K, Miyazaki S. Impact of metabolic syndrome on the long-term survival of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circ J. 72:415-419,2008.

  24. Ulrich M, Petre A, Youhnovski N, Promm F, Schirle M, Schumm M, Pero RS, Doyle A, Checkel J, Kita H, Thiyagarajan N, Acharya KR, Schmid-Grendelmeier PS, Simon HU, Schwart H, Tsutsui M, Shimokawa H, Bellon G, Lee J, Przybyski M, Doring G. Post-translational tyrosine nitration of eosinophil granule toxins mediated by eosinophil peroxidase. J Biol Chem. 283:28629-28640,2008.

  25. Yamaguchi N, Kumagai K, Fukuda K, Wakayama Y, Sugai Y, Hirose M, Shimokawa H. Electrophysiological properties of the right atrial septum in patients with atrial tachyarrhythmias. Tohoku J Exp Med. 215:13-22,2008.