英文原著論文 "2007" Original Papers in English


【 2007 年 】

  1. Asaumi Y, Kagaya Y, Takeda M, Yamaguchi N, Tada H, Ito K, Ohta J, Shiroto T, Shirato K, Minegishi N, Shimokawa H. Protective role of endogenous erythropoietin system in nonhematopoietic cells against pressure overload-induced left ventricular dysfunction in mice. Circulation. 115:2022-2032,2007.

  2. Chida K, Fuda K, Kagaya Y, Saito H, Takai Y, Kohzuki M, Takahashi S, Yamada S, Zuguchi M. Influence of the target vessel on the location and area of maximum skin dose during percutaneous coronary intervention. Acta Radiol. 48:846-850,2007.

  3. Chida K, Kagaya Y, Saito H, Takai Y, Yamada S, Takahashi S, Zuguchi M. Total entrance skin dose: an effective indicator of maximum radiation dose to the skin during percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Roentgenol. 189:224-227,2007.

  4. Fukumoto Y, Kishi T, Tsutsui H, Yamada A, Okamatsu S, Takeshita A. Elevated serum C-reactive protein levels as a predictive indicator for subsequent renal impairment in patients with acute heart failure. Tohoku J Exp Med. 213:361-368,2007.

  5. Fukumoto Y, Mohri M, Inokuchi K, Ito A, Hirakawa Y, Masumoto A, Hirooka Y, Takeshita A, Shimokawa H. Anti-ischemic effects of fasudil, a specific Rho-kinase inhibitor, in patients with stable effort angina. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 49:117-121,2007.

  6. Hirasawa H, Tanaka S, Sakai A, Tsutsui M, Shimokawa H, Miyata H, Moriwaki S, Niida S, Ito M, Nakamura T. ApoE gene deficiency enhances the reduction of bone formation induced by a high-fat diet through the stimulation of p53-mediated apoptosis in osteoblastic cells. Bone Mineral Res. 22:1020-1030,2007.

  7. Jiang BH, Tawara S, Abe K, Takaki A, Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H. Acute vasodilator effect of fasudil, a Rho-kinase inhibitor, in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 49:85-89,2007.

  8. Kataoka Y, Nakatani S, Tanaka N, Kanzaki H, Yasuda S, Morii I, Kawamura A, Miyazaki S, Kitakaze M. Role of transthoracic Doppler-determined coronary flow reserve in patients with chest pain. Circ J. 71:891-896,2007.

  9. Kita T, Hata Y, Kano K, Miura M, Nakao S, Noda Y, Shimokawa H, Ishibashi T. Transforming growth factor-beta2 and connective tissue growth factor in proliferative vitreoretinal diseases: possible involvement of hyalocytes and therapeutic potential of Rho kinase inhibitor. Diabetes. 56:231-238,2007.

  10. Kokusho Y, Komaru T, Takeda S, Takahashi K, Koshida R, Shirato K, Shimokawa H. Hydrogen peroxide derived from beating heart mediates coronary microvascular dilation during tachycardia. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 27:1057-1063,2007.

  11. Minatoya Y, Ito K, Kagaya Y, Asaumi Y, Takeda M, Nakayama M, Takahashi J, Iguchi A, Shirato K, Shimokawa H. Depressed contractile reserve and impaired calcium handling of cardiac myocytes from chronically unloaded hearts are ameliorated with the administration of physiological treatment dose of T3 in rats. Acta Physiol. 189:221-231,2007.

  12. Nakano M, Satoh K, Fukumoto Y, Ito Y, Kagaya Y, Ishii N, Sugamura K, Shimokawa H. Important role of erythropoietin receptor to promote VEGF expression and angiogenesis in peripheral ischemia in mice. Circ Res. 100:662-669,2007.

  13. Nakata S, Tsutsui M, Shimokawa H, Yamashita T, Tanimoto A, Tasaki H, Ozumi K, Sabanai K, Morishita T, Suda O, Hirano H, Sasaguri Y, Nakashima Y, Yanagihara N. Statin treatment upregulates vascular neuronal nitric oxide synthase through Akt/NF-kappaB pathway. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 27:92-98,2007.

  14. Saji K, Fukumoto Y, Suzuki J, Fukui S, Nawata J, Shimokawa H. Colchicine, a microtubule depolymerizing agent, inhibits myocardial apoptosis in rats. Tohoku J Exp Med. 213:139-148,2007.

  15. Tada T, Shiba N, Watanabe J, Kagaya Y, Shinozaki T, Shirato K, Shimokawa H. Prognostic value of anemia in predicting sudden death of patients with diastolic heart failure. Int'l J Cardiol. in press, 2007.

  16. Tamada T, Nara M, Kanatsuka H, Koshida R, Nagaoka M, Tamura G, Hattori T. A potentiating effect of endogenous NO in the physiologic secretion from airway submucosal glands. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 37:357-365,2007.

  17. Tawara S, Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H. Effects of combined therapy with a Rho-kinase inhibitor and prostacyclin on monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 50:195-200,2007.

  18. Uwatoku T, Ito K, Abe K, Oi K, Hizume T, Sunagawa K, Shimokawa H. Extracorporeal cardiac shock wave therapy improves left ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial infarction in pigs. Coronary Art Dis. 18:397-404,2007.

  19. Yamawaki T, Yamada A, Fukumoto Y, Kishi T, Sobashima A, Kuwata K, Nakamura R, Sekiya M, Ando H, Okamatsu S. Statin therapy may prevent restenosis after successful coronary intervention, independent of lipid-lowering effect and CRP level. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi. 98:260-269,2007.

  20. Yada T, Shimokawa H, Hiramatsu O, Shinozaki Y, Mori H, Goto M, Ogasawara Y, Kajiya F. Important role of endogenous hydrogen peroxide in pacing-induced metabolic coronary vasodilation in dogs in vivo. J Am Coll Cardiol. 50:1272-1278,2007.

  21. Yada T, Shimokawa H, Morikawa K, Takaki A, Shinozaki Y, Mori H, Goto M,Ogasawara Y, Kajiya F. Role of Cu,Zn-SOD in the synthesis of endogenous hydrogen peroxide during reactive hyperemia in mouse mesentetric microcirculation in vivo. Am J Physiol. 294:441-448,2007.

  22. Yasuda S, Ikuta K, Uwatoku T, Oi K, Abe K, Hyodo F, Yoshimitsu K, Sugimura K, Utsumi H, Katayama Y, Shimokawa H. In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of atherosclerotic lesions with a newly developed Evans blue-DTPA-gadolinium contrast medium in apolipoprotein-E-deficient mice. J Vasc Res. 45:123-128,2007.

  23. Yasuda S, Miyazaki S, Kinoshita H, Nagaya N, Kanda M, Goto Y, Nonogi H. Enhanced cardiac production of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 and its attenuation associated with pravastatin treatment in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Clin Sci. 112:43-49,2007.