Ischemia Heart Disease (IHD) Group

Chief: Jun Takahashi

IHD group performs about 700 cardiac catheterizations and about 300 coronary interventions annually.
We also have a system for diagnosing and treating acute coronary syndrome, working closely with Emergency Medical Center of TUH.
In addition, we work actively on clinical research to elucidate the pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease, and advanced medical care for severe cases (Ultrasound Treatment) .

Figure: Numbers of cardiac catheterizations and coronary interventions

・Pathophysiology of coronary spasmodic angina
・Making Evidence Based Medicine of Coronary spasm intervention
・Pathophysiology of Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
・Low-output Shockwave treatment for severe ischemic heart failure
・Low-output Ultrasound treatment for severe ischemic heart failure